A proposal to correct several flaws in [basic.start.main]

The text of [basic.start.main] in the C++ standard was lifted wholesale from the base document, remaining largely unaltered. Unfortunately, the text of the base document, which was not a formal language standard, contained several flaws. These have been transferred to the C++ standard uncorrected.

I've been trying to have these flaws fixed since 1995. (Getting them corrected was one of the reasons that I joined the BSI C++ committee, in fact.) You can read discussions of these flaws in your favourite Usenet archive, as I first published the details of them in the comp.std.c++ Usenet newsgroup on 1995-06-06.

Here is my proposed rewording of [basic.start.main] and the rationale behind it.

Proposed new wording

3.6 Start and termination


3.6.1 Main function

  1. A program shall contain a global function named main, which is the designated start of the program.

  2. This function is not predefined by the implementation. It shall be defined using one definition taken from an implementation-defined set of definitions, which shall include both

    int main () { /* ... */ }
    int main (int, char *[]) { /* ... */ }
    at minimum. main shall not be overloaded. [ Note: It is recommended that additional function types allowed by implementations have the same types and semantics (see below) of their first two parameters as those of the second definition above. ] [ Example: Implementations may allow additional definitions of main that do not return an integral type. ]
  3. The function main shall not be called from within a program. The linkage (basic.link) of main is implementation defined. The address of main shall not be taken. The function main shall not be declared except at its definition, and shall not be declared inline or static. The name main is not otherwise reserved. [ Example: member functions, classes, and enumerations can be called main, as can entities in other namespaces. ]

  4. Where main is defined as

    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { /* ... */ }
    (i.e. the second of the definitions given above), the parameters shall be as follows:
    • argc shall be the number of arguments passed to the program from the environment in which the program is run. The value of argc shall be non-negative.

    • Where argc is greater than 0, argv[0] through argv[argc-1] shall be pointers to the initial characters of NTMBSs representing the arguments.

    • The value of argv[argc] shall be 0.

    [ Note: The common convention on many platforms is that the argument represented by the NTMBS pointed to by argv[0] shall be either the name used to invoke the program or "", and that argc shall be always greater than 0, resulting in the behaviour of dereferencing argv[0] always being defined. However, this international standard imposes no such requirement. ]

  5. Calling the function

    void exit(int) ;
    declared in <cstdlib> (lib.support.start.term) terminates the program without leaving the current block and hence without destroying any objects with automatic storage duration (class.dtor). The argument value is returned to the program's environment as the value of the program.
  6. A return statement in function main has the effect of leaving the main function (destroying any objects with automatic storage duration) and then calling exit.

    Where main is defined in either of the forms given above, the argument to exit shall be the value returned from main by that statement.

    Where main is defined with an implementation-defined form not listed above, the argument to exit shall be determined, in an implementation-defined manner, from the value returned from main by that statement.

  7. Where main is defined in either of the forms given above and control reaches the end of main without encountering a return statement, the effect is that of executing

    return 0 ;

    Where main is defined with an implementation-defined form not listed above, and control reaches the end of main without encountering a return statement, the effect is implementation defined. [ Note: Implementations are expected to define behaviour that is equivalent to that of the return 0 case outlined above, where reasonable. ]


It should be ill-formed for the program to declare main outside of its definition.

The C++ standard does not say that a program may not have a declaration of main outside of its definition. It should. Doing so allows C++ compilers to use a useful technique. (At least one C++ compiler uses this technique already, and fails to successfully translate programs that declare main outside of its definition.)

C++ compilers may wish to employ internal compiler magic of some sort for the main function. However, it is possible that an explicit declaration of main disables this magic. This is true for at least one existing C++ compiler, where the program

int main ( int, char ** ) ;
int main ( int, char ** ) { return 0 ; }

is not translated successfully, failing at the link stage because the first declaration of main turns off the internal compiler magic for main that causes its symbol name to be processed specially when defining it, and causes it to instead be treated as if it were a normal function.

A prohibition on declaring main outside of its definition has the additional welcome benefit of preventing main from being declared outside of the translation unit in which it is defined, thus denying the programmer one way that he or she could take the address of main, or call it, both of which it is already intended that a programmer not do.

The proposed revised wording adds an explicit prohibition on declaring main outside of its definition.

The standard should be clear on how many types main has.

The C++ standard says that the type of the main is implementation defined. It says "and its type is ...", implying that main has only one type, and then immediately proceeds to give two possible types for main that all implementations must recognise. (According to [dcl.fct] the type of a function includes the parameter list as well as the return type.) This is inconsistent.

It is better to say that an implementation accepts a set of types for main, only one of which may be used in any one program, which must include at minimum the types int main() and int main(int, char **). So the proposed revised wording does.

The implicit return 0 ; should not apply in all cases.

Seemingly motivated by the somewhat foolish notion that the C programs in chapter 1 of The C Programming Language should be valid C++ programs, the C++ standard contains a provision such that there is an implicit return 0 ; inserted into main in the absence of an explicit return statement. (The irony here is that none of those programs are in fact conforming C programs, since they all rely on implicit int, which the C standard does not provide.)

Unfortunately, this provision is too general if one is going to allow implementations the latitude to allow additional function types for main (in addition to the two types implementations are required to allow). Where an implementation allows main to be declared as returning a struct type, for example the implicit return 0 ; means that

struct T main() { }
struct T main() { return 0 ; }
which is not necessarily well-formed. If the implicit return 0 ; did not extend to such cases, however, implementations could be free to define some other appropriate implicit return value.

The proposed revised wording splits the discussion of falling off the end of main without a return statement into two distinct cases: one where the definition is in one of the two forms that the standard requires be allowed, providing the semantics that were there before; and one where the definition is in an additional implementation-defined form, stating that the semantics are implementation-defined.

For equivalent reasons, the same split is made in the discussion of the value passed to the implicit call to void exit(int).

The standard should not contradict itself about what argv[0] is.

The C++ standard states in one place that argv[0] is a pointer to an NTMBS that is an

argument passed to the program from the environment in which the program is run
but in another place states that it is a pointer to a NTMBS that is
the name used to invoke the program or ""
. This is either a contradiction or an unwarranted intrusion into operating-system specific standards by the C++ standard, mandating that the first argument passed to every program must be the name used to invoke the program or "". On Unix, it would be a contradiction. The first argument in the vector is whatever string the process chose to pass to the execve() system call. There is no way - nor should there be any - of enforcing that what a Unix program passes in the first argument be the name used to invoke the program or "", or even that a non-zero number of arguments be passed.

I know of no operating system that employs the somewhat perverse notion that the name used to invoke the program is itself an argument. In all of the operating systems that I know, the name used to invoke the program is distinct from the arguments passed to the program.

The proposed revised wording eliminates this perverse notion.

It also, as a side effect of relegating the discussion of program name to a note, explicitly mentions the fact that a common idiom (of assuming that argv[0] is not a null pointer) is not, and never has been, guaranteed free of undefined behaviour by the C++ standard.

The standard should use a different style to refer to the distinguished function main.

Throughout [basic.start.main] in the C++ standard, main is referred to as main(). The rest of the document refers to functions by their signatures. The implication of this is that wherever [basic.start.main] mentions main() it is talking about int main() rather than int main(int, char **).

The proposed revised wording makes a stylistic exception in the case of main, since it can have more than one type.

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